The Body Shop at Apex Physical Therapy offers personalized, provider-assisted stretching as well as soft tissue work using foam rollers and trigger point balls to improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and enhance overall health and wellness. All clients receive our services in a private treatment room to enhance their sense of relaxation and well-being.

The Body Shop at Apex Physical Therapy is here for you at the end of your busy work week and sees clients only on Saturdays.

    Please note: The Body Shop is not intended to diagnose or treat injuries – we’ll leave that up to the clinical staff of physical therapists and physical therapists assistants at Apex Physical Therapy.  Therefore, if a client is currently experiencing the effects of an acute injury, The Body Shop is not for them at this time.  Moreover, if a client has a chronic injury or has undergone a previous surgery such as a joint replacement, they should first get clearance from a doctor, physical therapist, or similar healthcare provider before coming to The Body Shop.

    Our Cost

    Clients can choose from one of our pre-designed treatment sessions or build their own custom session.

    Rates for our services range from $45 for a 25-minute session, up to $85 for a 50-minute session.

    Our Cancellation Policy

    Your time is valuable and so is ours. At The Body Shop we strictly adhere to the following cancellation policy.

    • Cancel up to one week prior to your appointment: receive a full refund.
    • Cancel three days prior to your appointment: receive 50% refund.
    • Cancel less than three days prior to your appointment: no refund
    • Also, late arrivals will have their overall session time reduced and will finish according to the ending time associated with their original booking.

    Our Services

    Provider-Assisted Stretching
    We employ a specialized type of provider-assisted stretching at The Body Shop known as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF).  PNF stretching has been shown to be extremely effective in helping to gain muscle length, with increased flexibility leading to these benefits:

    Injury Prevention

    Flexibility can help prevent muscles from becoming too tight, which can lead to injury and muscle strain. It can also improve a client’s balance and precision of movement.

    Pain Management

    When muscles are loose and relaxed, the client is less likely to experience aches and pains, cramps, and abnormal muscle tension.

    Improved Athletic Performance

    Flexibility can help clients improve the range of motion necessary for training and competition allowing the client to perform better.

    Improved Circulation

    Stretching and flexibility can help relax muscles, which can improve blood circulation. This can lead to increased oxygen delivery, reduced cramping, and improved performance.

     Soft Tissue Work
    In addition to provider-assisted stretching, our technicians at The Body Shop also provide soft tissue work using foam rollers and trigger point balls to relieve muscle stress and tension, bringing our clients these benefits: 

    Reduced soreness

    Foam rolling and trigger point ball work can help with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that is typical after exercise. It can also help ease muscle pain and inflammation.

    Increased flexibility

    Foam rolling and trigger point ball work can help stretch and lengthen muscle fibers, which can improve the client’s range of motion and mobility.  This type of soft tissue work can also be effective in breaking down scar tissue, which can help clients stretch further.

    Improved circulation

    Foam rolling and trigger point ball work can help with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that is typical after exercise. It can also help ease muscle pain and inflammation.

    Injury Prevention

    Foam rolling and trigger point ball work can increase blood flow to muscles, joints, and fascia, which can help deliver oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to these areas. This can help with muscle repair and recovery.


    Our Providers

    Certified Body Shop technicians work with the client to personalize each session, targeting those areas the client feels are most in need of attention.   Each Body Shop technician has either a degree in exercise physiology or is currently enrolled in an exercise physiology program (or similar field of study) at an accredited university AND has completed at least two semesters of fieldwork.  In addition, each technician at the body shop has completed a 20 hour in-house certification course in order to ensure they provide each client with the best service possible.